I was supposed to go to guppy gulch with dori's crew today, but she got sick with what Davey's had all week. So' I decided to head to Storm alone. I didn't feel like eating breakfast today, so I headed to the lake. Temps were about 24, but the wind was blowing around 25mph, gusting to 30mph. I sat in the truck for a while, deciding if I was really going to get in the water. After 2 failed attempts, got back in the truck twice saying I wasn't going to dive. But, in the end I decided to go for it. I did a deco dive to 121', practiced skills, and got out after 1 hour. Everything froze before I got to the truck, so I left everything together and sorted it out when I got home. It was a trick zipping my back entry dry suit by myself for the first time. All in all a good time!!
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