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Hagerstown, MD, United States

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Solo Mt. Storm

I was supposed to go to guppy gulch with dori's crew today, but she got sick with what Davey's had all week. So' I decided to head to Storm alone. I didn't feel like eating breakfast today, so I headed to the lake. Temps were about 24, but the wind was blowing around 25mph, gusting to 30mph. I sat in the truck for a while, deciding if I was really going to get in the water. After 2 failed attempts, got back in the truck twice saying I wasn't going to dive. But, in the end I decided to go for it. I did a deco dive to 121', practiced skills, and got out after 1 hour. Everything froze before I got to the truck, so I left everything together and sorted it out when I got home. It was a trick zipping my back entry dry suit by myself for the first time. All in all a good time!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Deco. check out!!

Well finally made it, after a winter of cold diving it paid off!! I'm now deco certified. We did our check out dives at Mt. Storm. Davey and I were partners, Dori our instructor, and Richard, and Aaron dove with us. We had 2 good dives, 0 vis at the 90' platform on our 2nd dive, but all went well. Now more practise!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ice diving cert. class

Well I've wanted to go ice diving for 20 years, today things finally came together! A friend of ours, Dennis, is an SEI ice diving instructor at BMD. So, today we went to Bainbridge quarry, which has been frozen over for over a week, to do some ice diving. We couldn't have asked for a better day, air temps were in the high 50s. Corrine handled the lines for us, and we did two dives. We didn't have to cut a hole, the ice was beginning to melt a little from shore. So, we just busted a hole and dove in! Diving under ice is great. I really enjoy diving with Dennis, and davey.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Dive Mt. Storm. 2/1

Davey and I went up to dive again last sunday. We were able to remove the loose line on the 50' platform. It was an old line that had an old plastic jug attached, it had at one time been a marker float for the platform. We cut it loose , and secured it to the platform, then headed on down to the 90' platform, and down the deep line. We turned at 6 minutes ndl, then headed back up. We swam out to the dam, then back to the platforms, did some skills. Back to the 50', pick up the line and jug, then to the safety stop, and out. It was a warm day, 45 degrees, only a light wind, and sunny. A really great day for storm, this time of year.
